RAV is affiliated to CBSE Upto Class X. Affiliation No. 3530066 / 3580013

Objective Of Rav

Raksha Anusandhan Vidyalaya (RAV) was established on 15th August 1993. Defence Research Education Society (DRES) is the management body of the school. Director IRDE (Instruments Research & Development Establishment) is the ex-officio President of DRES. The school is located at the base of hillock full of Sal forest. RAV is a CBSE affiliated school and has upto class 10th standard. This school is an English medium and co-education. The school has been achieving 100% result for class 10th over a decade. The school is a member of CBSE Sahadaya and organizes many activities under its banner.

The school is Digital Teaching enabled. The school provides Educomp Smart Class teaching facility to all the classes. The visual treat of the 3D animation and high fidelity audio empowers the teachers and inspires the student to learn more.

The purpose for which Raksha Anusandhan Vidyalaya was established

The objective of the school is to provide value added and affordable education to the children belonging to Defence and other Central Government employees. The school strives to bring out the best in child by providing an environment which facilitates learning through activities.


Raksha Anusandhan Vidyalaya is passing through its 25th year of existence and has sent 19 batches of students to the CBSE class X Board Examination.

The school has been achieving 100% result for class 10th over a decade. The school is a member of CBSE Sahodaya and organizes many activities under its banner.

The school science exhibits have consistently secured pride positions in the National Children's Science Congress. The school has won many laurels in Science Exhibition at the District, State and National levels.


INTACH is a national organization dedicated to Heritage conservation and awareness. INTACH has started Heritage Clubs in schools, A National wide programme that involves students in working together to protect and preserve the wondrous beauty and richness of India's Culture. INTACH invites atleast four•entries in one academic year.

This year also Heritage Club of R.A.V participated in most of the activities planned by INTACH, New Delhi.

They are as follows – Topic – “Homes in Harmony”
June 2018 –

  • Harshit Baliyan
  • Vaibhav Bisht
  • Khushi Rautela