Raksha Anusandhan Vidyalaya is Digital Teaching enabled school. We tied up with Educomp to support and provide Digital Teaching w.e.f from April 2013, inaugurated by President DRES, Director IRDE Dr. A.K. Gupta.
Educomp Smart Class at RAV is initally running in 3 classrooms to benefit its primary, middle and senior classes supported by a knowledge center.
Educomp Smart Class provides a visual treat of the 3D animation and high fidelity audio, empowers the teachers and inspires the students to learn more. It is a smart and efficient way of modern learning digitalized with contents mapping school syllabus supported with hardware including projectors, equipment and accessories.
We are confident through Educomp we can change RAV from Smart to one of the Smartest school in town.
Now, RAV is just a click away!! All related information About the school is easily available on www.ravdehradun.org